March 07 2007 Update for Picasa Web Albums

Major Update for Picasa Web Albums – Googleblog

Today Picasa Web Albums has
the most important update since its launch, in June 2006. Basically, it
adds the most requested features and even some obscure features that
will make you very happy.

First, the free version of Picasa Web
gets 1 GB of storage (up from 250 MB), enough to host 4000 high-quality
photos. It’s interesting that Google says “1 GB (and counting)” so the
storage could increase like it does in Gmail.

Like in Flickr,
you can also search the public photos posted by other people. Until
today, you could search only your photos and the public photos uploaded
by your contacts. Google wanted to be polite and ask you before
including your public photos in the community search, so you must go to
settings and enable this.

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