Woman gets uterus branded and doc gives her the video

Woman gets her uterus branded NOW WITH VIDEO! – The Smoking Gun: Archive

A Kentucky woman claims that a doctor branded her uterus with the initials of his alma mater during an operation to remove the organ last year, according to a lawsuit filed Wednesday (1/22). Stephanie Means, a 38-year-old school administrator, alleges that while Dr. James Guiler (picture at left) performed an August 14 hysterectomy at Central Baptist Hospital in Lexington, he “used a cauterizing instrument to intentionally brand the letters ‘UK,’ approximately 4-5 cm in height, Guiler filmed the procedure and gave the couple a copy of the videotape.

I just gotta say why in the hell would you not edit out that part for their copy is beyond me. On a lighter note watch this turn into the next fad for crazy Hollywood starlets, find me the first one who gets a unicorn and I’ll take her!

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