Lionsgate Wants A PG-13 Punisher: War Zone?

Following up on an earlier article, one of my contacts deep within the bowels of Hollywood and close to the Punisher: War Zone project source will not be named. Sorry told me today that the big fight over the Punisher project is Lionsgate wants a PG-13 cut to be released.

PG-13 will kill this movie, there should be no figures, no costumes and no soundtrack. If they really wanted a kick ass Punisher movie shot to be unrated but hard R for the theater and unrated for the DVD. Because I doubt it possible to sell an unrated comic book inspired movie at the theater no matter how hard the fans demand.

Look at that trailer, minus the soundtrack that is some shit I want to see on the big screen and no way any of that will ever make a PG-13 cut. Step up to the plate Lionsgate, it’s the only way you won’t be remembered as being the ones to finally strike the Punisher movie franchise out.

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