From Geek to Freak: How I Gained 34 lbs. of Muscle in 4 Weeks

I weighed 152 lbs. for four years of high school, and after training in tango in Buenos Aires in 2005, that had withered to 146 lbs. Upon returning to the US, I performed an exhaustive analysis of muscular hypertrophy (growth) research and exercise protocols, ignoring what was popular to examine the hard science. The end result? I gained 34 lbs. of muscle, while losing 3 lbs. of fat, in 28 days

Who knows how accurate this is. A side note, the guy had been muscular at one point in his life prior to him doing this routine, which makes it much easier to regain muscle due to muscle memory. Seems like an interesting approach though, less workouts, shorter workouts, but more intense workouts with a focus negative resistance.

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