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The 7 Best Mexican-Related Entries
They all pretty much describe sex acts. Mexican Five Star is my fav.
Revenge Cars
Ever been cheated on? These people have gotten revenge, on the cars of the cheaters.
Telefon Tel Aviv’s Charlie Cooper Is Found Dead
It’s a sad day for music lovers, as we’ve learned that Charlie Cooper, one half of the acclaimed IDM duo Telefon Tel Aviv, has died at the age of 31. Immolate Yourself, the group’s new release on Bpitch Control, dropped just one day after Cooper’s passing, marking it as a posthumous release for him.
Recent Earthquakes in the Pacific Northwest
A light earthquake occurred at 5:25:03 AM (PST) on Friday, January 30, 2009.
The magnitude 4.5 event occurred 3 km (2 miles) NW of Indianola, WA.
this totally woke me up. i was too sleepy, and the earthquake too weak, for me to realize what was happening. i got up, went to the bathroom, then fell back asleep.
T-Shirt Hell Closes Its Doors Thanks to Hate Mail
This is sad. I love their shirts but can’t say I’d actually wear one in public.
Little Gordon
Little Gordon's on a personal mission to rid the world of rubbish food and pathetic service. So no excuses, yeah?