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Jonesboro High Dance Team Disbanded After Racy Routine
Gotta love a news story that cites a youtube video that was taken down and then goes that extra mile to find footage elsewhere. That’s reporting!
How To Download Music From Deezer, Pandora And More
Websites such as Deezer, Pandora, imeem, (and others) all serve free streaming music – often bundled with certain restrictions that reduce their convenience to users. A number of separate various applications exist to download from specific sites (such as Freezer which exists to download from Deezer, Jiwa, and imeem only), so their range is limited.
Today we’ll show you an all-inclusive method that can grab songs from most, if not all, websites.
KORG DS-10 synthesizer up for pre-order in America
DS owners in Japan have been enjoying the spoils of the KORG DS-10 synthesizer for over half a year, but at long (long!) last, we Americans are about to receive equal treatment. The game itself, which is graciously priced at just $29.99, is now up for pre-order on GameStop's website.
Starcraft Course opened for College
This course will go in-depth in the theory of how war is conducted within the confines of the game Starcraft. There will be lecture on various aspects of the game, from the viewpoint of pure theory to the more computational aspects of how exactly battles are conducted. Calculus and Differential Equations are highly recommended for full understanding of the course.
Every Man an Island, Pt. 1
In a certain sense, every man is an island; this interesting finding comes from Jeffrey Gordon’s lab in Washington University. To understand why that is so, we need to understand something about the make up of our bodies. Adult human bodies are comprised of 10^13 cells. These cells are broadly divided into different types that compose the tissues and organs that make us function the way we do. However, those are not all the cells that are in the human body. In addition to our own cells, we have 10^14 bacterial cells that reside in and on us. Think about it: only one out of ten cells in our bodies contain the DNA inherited from our parents. The other nine cells are not human.
Europe’s Grass-Lined Green Railways
Although it’s certainly not a new idea to combine landscaping with public transportation, we love the sight of these European trams gliding along on beds of grass. From Barcelona to the Czech Republic, Frankfurt, St-Etienne and Strasbourg, these public transit greenways are showing the potential of incorporating landscaping into good urban design.
wow, these pictures don’t even look real.
Boeing: We zapped a UAV with a laser
Boeing didn't go into much detail about the shoot-down. In response to a query by CNET News, it did say this much about the strike by the the kilowatt-class laser: "A hole was burned in a critical flight control element of the UAV, rendering the aircraft unflyable."