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Custom Crocheted Sackboys
Custom sewn sackboys for $30. More for more elaborate characterizations.
OpenCongress – – will soon be transformed into a database for information on new spending originating from the $825 billion economic stimulus package. This part of Congress’s effort to bring “a historic level of transparency, oversight and accountability” to the stimulus so that “taxpayer dollars are spent wisely and Americans can see results for their investment.”
After Monty Python Goes YouTube, Big Jump In DVD Sales
Apparently it with the release of all of Monty Python's material on YouTube, their sales have blown through the roof on It is too bad there isn't any proper news article about this, but I think it bodes well for those who champion free content. More importantly, it forces the MPAA's feet into their mouths.
Don’t Park on the River
A man's search for his lost dog ended in funny disaster on Tuesday, as he managed to lose a borrowed car in a frozen river.
Things started to go wrong when Nathan Seely drove the Buick onto the frozen surface of Black River, in Port Huron, Michigan. The river is often used by cars and snowmobiles when iced over in winter, local police said.
Unfortunately for Seely, he managed to lock his keys inside the car.
This would have been frustrating enough, but the problem was compounded by the fact that the engine was still running. E was forced to watch as the heat from the engine slowly melted the ice beneath the car, sending it crashing through into the river.
you fail at life, but win at the internets!
Nurofen plus – strong painkiller with ibuprofen & codeine
For fast-acting relief from strong pain, there’s no stronger painkiller available without prescription than Nurofen Plus. Using the powerful combination of ibuprofen and codeine. Nurofen Plus starts working right at the site of your pain, to reduce the formation of pain messengers and to help stop swelling.
Each tablet contains: Ibuprofen 200mg and Codeine Phophate 12.8mg
do want. available here.
Obama to lift funding ban for abortion groups abroad
President Barack Obama on Friday will lift restrictions on U.S. government funding for groups that provide abortion services or counseling abroad, reversing a policy of his Republican predecessor George W. Bush, an administration official said.
Learning to Love Green Tea
By now you have probably heard many reports of the health benefits of green tea. It has been credited for many things, including reducing cancer risk, enhancing cardiovascular health, and strengthening the immune system. However, many people who are unaccustomed to green tea find its vegetal flavor difficult to drink.
this one is for you, listener.