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Apple Allows 3rd Party Web Browsers into App Store
Over the past 24 hours, Apple has begun to approve 3rd party web browsing applications for the iPhone. A number of new web browsing apps have suddenly appeared with original submission dates ranging as far back as October.
6 Words That Make Your Resume Suck
And how to fix it! Not saying that your job sucks… but a better paying job would suck less!
What is virginity worth today?
Imagine only having to work 1 day your entire life? Is your virginity worth fuck you money (literally)?
NGH WHT – Dead Emcee Scrolls with The Arditti Quartet
THE DEAD EMCEE SCROLLS has been set to music composed by Thomas Kessler and performed by The Arditti String Quartet.
The full composition as well as the isolated ‘stems’ are available for download below.
download a good chunk of the album for free, or get the full album, along with raw tracks appropriate for remixing for $6!
Trapdoor in the Kitchen Floor: Spiral Wine Cellars
A spiral cellar is dug into the floor by a professional team, and the cellar storage itself is created from concrete wrapped in a watertight lining. Passive ventilation keeps the temperature around 55°, an ideal temperature for wine storage. There are several sizes, holding from 1000-1600 bottles.
a secret trapdoor that leads to my own private wine cellar? do want.
Most Hackable Coupon-Eligible DTV Converter?
I have to choose a converter before the analog signals go dark. I'd like to get one that is hackable, but haven't had much luck finding information about the internals of the units available. My question is, What chipsets do the different coupon eligible converters use, and which one is the most hackable?
How to move a boat without an engine, paddles or sails
A University of Pittsburgh research team has designed a propulsion system that uses the natural surface tension that is present on the water's surface and an electric pulse to move the boat or robot, researchers said. The Pitt system has no moving parts and the low-energy electrode that emits the pulse could be powered by batteries, radio waves, or solar power, researchers said in a statement.
GM fell behind Toyota in 2008
General Motors sold fewer cars globally than Toyota last year, as the Japanese automaker passed its Detroit rival for the first time, bringing to an end GM’s 77-year run as the world’s largest automaker.