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Atari’s 1984 Touch Tablet: A Retro-Unboxing
The next time you use your shiny new Wacom tablet and Adobe Photoshop CS4, think back to a time before time–a time before blends, morphs, heal brushes, and 10-megapixel images. A time like 1984, which, for computer graphics, was darker than the Dark Ages. It was a time when you could buy an $89.95 Atari CX77 Touch Tablet for your Atari 8-bit home computer. Luckily, I bought mine for considerably less last year, although it was still in new, unopened condition. Safely sequestered in the official Vintage Computing and Gaming computer lab, I recently began the task of unpacking the antique peripheral and documenting the process.
Wealthy men give women more orgasms
Scientists have found that the pleasure women get from making love is directly linked to the size of their partner’s bank balance.
They found that the wealthier a man is, the more frequently his partner has orgasms.
dailyreview: CSI Hard Evidence
CSI: Hard Evidence is terrible. Just, awful in every way. So instead of reviewing it, I’ll be reviewing an imaginary version that exists only in my mind of what should have been a cool game. Differences between my imagined game and the actual game will be italicized.
Left 4 Dead Vocalize commands list
Because you know you want to Bind B “vocalize PlayerDeath”.
my new fantasy
Even if you never had this fantasy before, it’s all you’ll think about now.
30-pound marijuana brick delivered to wrong address in Denton, TX
UPS delivers, but not always to the right address, a Denton man discovered Monday when he found a lot of green inside a package dropped on his porch by the men in brown. The man took the package to Denton police later that night, police spokesman Officer Ryan Grelle said. It contained a 30-pound brick of compressed marijuana with a street value of $10,500.
I think we all need to send Nexus a “I’m Sorry For Your Loss” card. 😉