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Chicago Horn Hero – WTF?
Yup, wanna be 2009 used to be super group Chicago trademarked a shit ton of names with Horn Hero tagged to them. Really guys? Do you seriously think you can compete with mega publishers like EA, Activision, Konami and even MTV? Not sure if you guys are trying to sell out to all the band nerds but I’m sure even they want to be a rock star and not blowing on someones horn. Nice try though, next time just license your music to either or all these publishers and make way more money from me and my friends.
This May Be a Katy Perry’s Self Shot Nude
Do we even care if its real or not? NSFW!
How to Survive a Plane Crash
In light of the “Hudson River Miracle”, I thought this information is quite timely.
Half-Naked Female Jedis, Coming Right Up in Clone Wars
Mmmm Sexy Jedis. It’s very strange that Ahsoka the padawan is a teenager though. Not sure if it’s right.
HDI Dune BD Prime – Hybrid Blu-ray player / HD streamer
Will this be able to beat the PS3? Well so far it’s possible as it offers full streaming support of a Blu ray image to be played back, menus and all. But at $640 it’s still pricey however they are coming out with lower cost versions.
Star Wars retold by someone who hasn’t seen it
Bonnie sez, "Everyone has at least one friend who has seen parts of the Star Wars original trilogy but can’t quite tell you every plot point in order. Joe Nicolosi recorded his friend Amanda as she retells the story from the tiny amount she’s seen with hilarious results."
Gardening boosts men’s sex lives
As little as 30 minutes a week tending the garden or allotment can dramatically improve men's performance in bed, according to the experts in the field.
for all you haters out there who knock my yard work.
Child Porn Laws Used Against Kids Who Photograph Themselves
“These kids are now seeing stuff on MySpace and other places online where other kids are posing in sexual poses in the nude performing real or mock sex, and too them it’s just their 15 megabytes of fame. They think it’s the norm,”
15 megabytes of fame, very clever.
Simple checklist cuts surgical deaths in half
Scrawl on the patient with a permanent marker to show where the surgeon should cut. Ask the person's name to make sure you have the right patient. Count sponges to make sure you didn't leave any inside the body.
Doctors worldwide who followed a checklist of steps like these cut the death rate from surgery almost in half and complications by more than a third in a large international study of how to avoid blatant operating room mistakes.