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Red Alert 3 For PS3 has Ultimate Booty
Oh hell yeah, I love my violence mixed with some Russian Booty Sex!
IBM Creates 3D MRI With 100 Million Times Finer Resolution
IBM Research scientists, in collaboration with the Center for Probing the Nanoscale at Stanford University, have demonstrated magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) with volume resolution 100 million times finer than conventional MRI.
What Does Your Sole Look Like?
DJ Shadow has teamed up with Reebok and Shoe Biz to bring you this limited edition sneaker! The sneaker has the "What Does Your Soul Look Like" logo on the back, and comes in a Reebok shoe box with a slip of authenticity included.
Included with the sneaker is the Quannum Stone Cold Winter Volume 1 Mix CD, which has tracks by some of your favorite Quannum stars. The CD is mixed by Matthew Africa.
Midwest temps plummet to 37 below zero
The coldest air spilled across the Canadian prairie into the Dakotas and Minnesota. Grand Forks, N.D., dropped to a record low of 37 degrees below zero Tuesday morning, lopping six degrees off the old record set in 1979, the National Weather Service said.
How to hallucinate with ping-pong balls and a radio
Do you ever want to change the way you see the world? Wouldn't it be fun to hallucinate on your lunch break? Although we typically associate such phenomena with powerful drugs like LSD or mescaline, it's easy to fling open the doors of perception without them: All it takes is a basic understanding of how the mind works.
Deep inside the Windows 7 Public Beta
Ars gives a great review of the new Windows 7 features. Pretty much sums up everything I could say about it.
Myrtle Beach’s Hard Rock Park Closing!
Did you even know that this theme park opened a mere nine months ago?
The 25 Best High School Movies Of All Time
Not a bad list and #1 is Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, Dazed and Confused or Fast Times At Ridgemont High.