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9 Games that Made Vehicular Manslaughter Fun

Zombie16 FTW! (Video Games)

Well I don’t agree with Excit Bike or Halo or GTA being #1. This list needed to have Carmagedon #1 and include Quarentine and Twisted Metal.


How to Get Your Windows 7 Beta Product Key

Chromium FTW! (PC Tech)

This worked for me today. I’m using Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit edition.


Drive Thru/Walk Up ATM Stupidity

Zombie16 FTW! (WTF?!)

I came up to this asshole on the way to get some money from the drive thru ATM. This isn’t laziness, it’s a new kind of fucked up I’ve seen a few times before. How retarded do you have to be to purposely drive up to an ATM only to have to open the door and stand there to use it. What the fuck is the point? I’ve seen this shit at the post office too, people will drive up to the mail box, only to shut off their fucking car, get out, put some mail in the slot and then get back in. They need to start putting fucking laserbeams on drive up objects like this. If it detects your stupid ass getting out of the car, obviously you are not able to judge distances nor do you know how to pull up close enough without fucking up your car to said object, it needs to melt your balls off so you can’t reproduce anymore.


3 Story, Homemade Water Slide

LowCommotion FTW! (Fun)


Disney World’s American Idol Experience previewed

Chromium FTW! (Travel)

It sounds like it might be even better with nothing but tone deaf contestants.


Eton Grundig ARC FR400

LowCommotion FTW! (Tech)

AM/FM/Water-Resistant Radio with NOAA, TV-VHF, Flashlight, Siren and Cell Phone Charger.
Improved technology, functionality and versatility, the FR400 is ideal for emergencies. The FR400 provides you with a water-resistant radio, LED lights, and cell phone charger when you need it most.
Using the hand-crank power generator, charge the internal rechargeable Ni-MH battery pack in times of need.

yes, you need this.


Headshot! (Crocodile vs Impala)

LowCommotion FTW! (Animals)


Burger King Lets You Trade Friends for Whoppers!

LowCommotion FTW! (Food, Fun)

The new Whopper Sacrifice application, available on Facebook, lets users exchange their friends for Whopper hamburgers. Basically, users cull through their lists of friends, picking out names that they don't recognize, people they are no longer in contact with, or relationships that have soured. They can then "excommunicate" their friends. For every ten friends that they banish, they get a coupon for a free Whopper.


Trends Are Cyclical: the Asus Eee Keyboard

LowCommotion FTW! (HDTV, PC Tech)

The computer packs the usual Intel Atom internals, and puts them in a thin metal case with a built-in keyboard with Apple-style individually inset keys, much like many home computers from the days Back To The Future was cool. It has a small built-in touchscreen display, which can display the Windows desktop or a set of media controls.

If you think this isn't already cool enough (which I cannot imagine), then you should know that it comes with Ultra-Wideband Wireless HDMI buit-in. Plug in a small box at the back of your TV, and connect to it wirelessly, and send the display signal over the airwaves.


Inside the Rocket-Proof Obamamobile

Chromium FTW! (Cars)

Yet another expose on the presidential limo.  This one reveals that on board is presidentially compatible blood!