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Aliens: Colonial Marines Due Before July
Aliens: Colonial Marines before July? OH FUCK YEAH! Lock and load, it’s almost time to get your motion trackers and M41-A Pulse Rilfes ready to rock!
Photoshopped Midget Celebrities
Perhaps the most bizarre thing I’ve seen today. Or maybe Lowco tried to get me to see semen recipes. Yea, that happened.
5 Celebrity Wikipedia Entries They Clearly Wrote Themselves
These are excellent examples of douchebaggery.
The 100 Most Likely People To Die In 2009
Numbering among these 100 persons selected for this particular post-it note of putrescence are the greedy, the slothful, the whorish, the vile, the indecent, and the just plain old. Actors, politicians, athletes, and, yes, even members of the media litter this bulletin of blasphemy. No doubt some will heed this morbid wake up call, while others saunter off gently into the good night. Here are the 100 people most likely to die in the next year…
i’ve been meaning to start a death pool.. any takers?
NIN Releases 400gb of HD Concert Footage
trent_reznor posted:
Your gift…
The internet is full of surprises these days.
I was contacted by a mysterious, shadowy group of subversives who SOMEHOW managed to film a substantial amount (over 400 GB!) of raw, unedited HD footage from three separate complete shows of our Lights in the Sky tour. Security must have been lacking at these shows because the quality of the footage is excellent.
This is raw, unedited, un-color-corrected HD footage. It will be primarily of interest to advanced users, who may wish to attempt to edit it together into something. It could be really interesting to see what creative users can put together using this and other fan-recorded footage.
Modern Electrical Outlets and Power Strips
Modern electrical outlets and creative power strips from all over the world.
Bind Yo’ Shit!
Comic binding is a relatively new hobby amongst comic collectors. For those who don’t know, binding is the process of taking a run of comic books and forming them together into a hard or soft cover book. It’s sending your favorite run of Spider-Man books in to be turned into a trade paperback or hard bound book.
Weak Password Brings ‘Happiness’ to Twitter Hacker
Ah script kiddies using a dictionary attack. Not even proxied and completely traceable. Amateurs.