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Skier Suffers Exposure
do I need to even say anything?
more pics and the story off the link
Depression and Suicide Rates State by State
States ranked by the prevalence and seriousness of depression among residents, from the least at the top to the most at the bottom.
despite what you might have heard, there are some fifteen states more depressed and suicidal than washington state. woot. what about cities, you ask? from a different study:
Las Vegas has a robust economy, but had the highest percentage of divorced residents and the highest rate of suicides.
Atheist bus ads roll in London today: massive success
Today, thanks to many Cif readers, the overall total raised for the Atheist Bus Campaign stands at a truly overwhelming £135,000, breaking our original target of £5,500 by over 2400%. Given this unexpected amount, I'm very excited to tell you that 800 buses – instead of the 30 we were initially aiming for – are now rolling out across the UK with the slogan, "There's probably no God. Now stop worrying and enjoy your life" MAKE: technology on your time
Make: television debuted 1/3/2009 7am PST online and on public television (broadcast / cable tv). The series encourages everyone to invent, revent, recycle, upcycle, and act up. Based on the popular Make magazine, each half-hour episode hopes to inspire viewers to think, create, and, well, make. Each episode can be viewed or downloaded DRM-free, in HD on – the show is also available on Vimeo, YouTube, and iTunes
A rare peek at Homeland Security’s files on travelers
Big Brother is watching you, your destinations and your IP address from where you bought your tickets!
Sackboy + Michael Jackson = FUCKING EPIC!
Yeah he could have done more, yeah it’s not the whole songs, BUT YOUR JUST FUCKING MADE ‘CAUSE YOU DIDN”T THINK OF IT FIRST YOU WHINY BITCHES! It even has the shaky guy from Beat It and the moonwalk, yes right there it already was epic. Then they go and add zombies, FUCKING EPIC!
The Stories Behind 20 Muppet Favorites
No Fraggles mentioned here except Wembley, but only in passing.