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All you can do with BD Live Event
Do you know all you can do with BD Live? Since Blu ray allows for Java programming I’m hoping this is just the tip of the iceberg for bonus features. Right now these seem more like gimmicks, a disk menu that reflects your time of day with weather, schedule a time to watch a movie with friends and chat together on screen, minigames, itune integration to tag and download songs from the movie, etc If this is the start, I hope the keep racking their brain to wow us with each new release.
How to Tap a Phone…. in 1957!
THERE are many ways to tap a phone; most of them against the law. Our little gadget, however, is quite legal and can be used to great advantage at home or in the office.
Yup, sometimes it’s bad ass to be from the 50’s.
1998 vs 2008: How has gaming changed in 10 years?
How far does 10 years bring us in gaming? Sometimes great leaps and bounds over what we thought possible, other times, not so far, eh-hem TF2. While TF2 is a great game, it took FUCKING FOREVER to get here. Sadly it is not on this list, but vaporware hall of famer and still champion of myth Duke Nukem Forever is!
Bristol Palin Welcomes a Son
Bristol Palin, the 18-year-old daughter of former Republican vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin, gave birth on Saturday to a healthy 7 lb., 7 oz., baby boy in Palmer, Alaska.
The baby's name is Tripp Easton Mitchell Johnston and he was born at 5:30 a.m.
in case you were wondering, Easton and Mitchell are hockey equipment companies. great names, guys!
Vanilla Chest Bump
President Bush and graduate Theodore Shiveley from Plano, Texas, bump chests at the United States Air Force Academy graduation ceremony
Unwire your X-Box 360
Strangely enough I did this mere weeks before this article was published. You can use the excuse of upgrading to a new N router, in order to get a spare router, like I did.