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Prince of Persia: Another Developer Bitchfest

Zombie16 FTW! (Video Games)

What surprises me is how little these high level risks seem to be noticed and appreciated as attempts to shake up the industry and push things forward. Perhaps I’m an idealist, but I think perhaps I was expecting a few more virtual pats-on-the-back for our attempts to do something new.

Blah blah blah, I love the complaining dev’s do, it’s all “it was an art game”, “it has crazy combos”, “we allow you to pee”. Anything and everything they do that’s just different must be praised to high holy hell and back for them to feel accomplished. How about this, make a game, make it the best you can, deal with the fall out or the praise, do not expect to be praised.

And another thing, stop releasing shit back to back to back with other publishers and market your games. I heard about this game in the last issue of Qore, that’s it. I heard zero before then and this is the only time since them I’ve heard anything. Create some buzz, run a contest, do shit, don’t just sit on your ass and expect to game to sell millions while with shit like Gears of War 2, Resistance 2, Rock Band 2, Guitar Hero World Tour, etc all trying to get my attention.

You want to innovate, start leaking out your innovations early, give us video, screenshots, hints, tips, FUCKING DEMOS months before hand. Make us want your game so bad we will pre-order from where ever just to have a copy on Day 1. Oh and maybe, just maybe don’t make it easy, let me select some level of difficulty, I like to think and a challenge or puzzle is great at that.


The House that Romero Built – Zombie Tee

Zombie16 FTW! (Clothing, Zombie)

The house that Romero Built

FUCKING BAD ASS!! This t-shirt shows all the major zombies from or inspired by the father of the modern zombie movie himself, Mr. George A. Romero. Insta-ordered, order one for the zombie lover in your life TODAY!


The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia

Zombie16 FTW! (Books, Star Wars)

With all that changes in the Star Wars Universe I wonder how long this will stay current. Well, it’s still a great gift for the Star Wars fan among you, and it’s 40% to boot.


How to Survive a Family Christmas

LowCommotion FTW! (Educational, Fun)

Dashed expectations, drunken relatives, unruly children. Aah..the joys of the holidays! To help you experience the festivities and remain unscathed, check out this entertaining video.


Left 4k Dead

LowCommotion FTW! (Games, Zombie)

Left 4k Dead was made by Markus Persson, for the 2009 Java 4k Competition. The entire game is less than 4kb.


Happy Festivus Y’all!

LowCommotion FTW! (Holiday)

Although the original Festivus took place in February 1966 as a celebration of the elder O'Keefe's first date with his wife, Deborah, many people now celebrate the holiday on December 23, as depicted on the December 18, 1997 Seinfeld episode "The Strike".


VHS Era is Winding Down

LowCommotion FTW! (Movies, R.I.P.)

After three decades of steady if unspectacular service, the spinning wheels of the home-entertainment stalwart are slowing to a halt at retail outlets. On a crisp Friday morning in October, the final truckload of VHS tapes rolled out of a Palm Harbor, Fla., warehouse run by Ryan J. Kugler, the last major supplier of the tapes.


Nextar to Unveil GPS Unit That Provides Live Free Traffic Information

LowCommotion FTW! (Cars)

The new Nextar Q4-LT navigation system with free live traffic reports will be available in Q3 2009 at leading retailers across the country. It has an SRP of $249.99 w/free lifetime traffic.

the thought of having to pay a subscription for traffic updates has kept me using my seriously old GPS. if this nextar is any good, i might jump on it.


Cake Wrecks

Chromium FTW! (Food, WTF?!)

The best of the worst /Facepalm cake moments all in one place.  I laughed for about 5 minutes straight reading all of the stupidity.


Ninjas Protest Pirate Festival

LowCommotion FTW! (Pirates and Ninjas)

because E can’t post links himself.