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Burnout Paradise CRASH TV Christmas Special
Very nicely done video showing off the free DeLorean from Back to the Future II download for Burnout Paradise, and yes it does shot flame trails and yes it does hover.
Modded Vulcan Nerf Chaingun
500 rounds per minute goodness, an ammo counter and a sweet paintjob.
Monotone is a simple yet dynamic theme for photo-blogging. The layout is clean and non-intrusive, but the way it handles images makes each entry unique (and requires no intervention to do so).
Monotone takes the first image attached to a post and samples colors from it for use in the surrounding layout.
Guitar Praise – Blast That Solid Christian Rock!
Strap on the guitar and strum along with your favorite bands including Relient K, Skillet, Stellar Kart, tobyMac, Casting Crowns, Jeremy Camp, and more! With over 50 songs – each with 4 levels of difficulty – and custom lead and bass guitar notes per song, there are over 400 ways to play!
Left 4 Dead Guide: Achievement Hunting
Most of these are relatively impossible I think. Still a halfway decent guide to getting some achievements.
Bacon Bourbon Brownies
I'm hardly the first to alight at bacon brownies, but I decided to borrow a step from the bourbon balls I'm often rolling up 'round this time of year for holiday party purposes. A double-soak — once pre and once mid-toasting of a half cup of pecans in bourbon, and a swap-in of the nut-infused bourbon for the traditional vanilla brings a slightly tipsy edge to a deeply fudgy brownie. A grind of fresh black pepper (inspired by a Chanterelle Staff Meals brownie recipe, which credited the technique to Maida Heatter) strums the palate to life; a subtle note of smoked salt lets the bolder bacon sing.
Abit’s Death Date Reportedly Set: 31st of December, 2008
Abit, once leading-edge maker of computer mainboards and other components, will cease to exist starting the first of January, 2009, as the owner of the legendary brand – Universal Scientific Industrial – is in the process of restructuring and cutting down the costs.