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Scaling Facebook To 140 Million Users
Facebook now has 140 million users, and in recent weeks has been adding 600,000 new users a day. To keep pace with that growth, the Facebook engineering team has been tweaking its use of memcached, and says it can now handle 200,000 UDP requests per second.
smitten kitchen
Best Food pr0n site evar!. Thanks to Loco for pointing this one out. The pictures of all the food are glorious and amazing.
How They Work – NIN: Echoplex, Rehearsing Live with Lemur
Jaymis at Create Digital Motion was admiring this video and watching the Lemur action at the beginning. It further inspires me to custom-install a touch overlay on my laptop, which isn’t terribly expensive – having touch in a live playing situation is really quite nice.
Wanna Smell Like a Whopper?
Burger King has released its own scent: "The Whopper sandwich is America's Favorite Burger," — yeah right! — "Flame by BK captures the essence of that love and gives it to you. Behold the scent of seduction, with a hint of flame broiled meat."
For just $3.99 you, too, can smell like a Burger King.
LittleBigPlanet – METAL GEAR SOLID Sackboys & Girls
Meryl Sackgirl
Screaming Mantis Sack
Solid Snake Sackboy
Get your sack on with LBP and MGS!
X-Blades Collector’s Edition Goes Topless
Because we love anything videogame and half naked chic related, X-Blades has some love as is has both half naked lead chic and is a videogame; the collectors edition even comes with a nice topless statue.
20 Thick, Juicy Questions With Aqua Teen’s Meatwad
Just as weird as you’d expect it to be.