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Why We Need More Torture in Videogames
I’ve played the torture quest, and let me tell you: whoever this guy was who was offended by it is a complete pussy. It gets you further into a quest and you end up riding a dragon to free a prisoner. The ultimate reward is a bit of armor that to me was worse than what I already had. It’s such a non issue in a game where you regularly kill creatures for fun and profit. Grow a pair.
Gokukawa Leather Keyboard Provides Buttery Soft Typing Experience
It was just last month that our mouths were agape at the sight of a leather-wrapped Asus Eee PC. Now, dammit, they're agape again after viewing the buttery soft Gokukawa leather keyboard.
R2D2 Astromech Droid ONE DAY SALE $80
For today only you can get your very own Interactive R2D2 Atromech Droid for $80 with Free Super Saver Shipping
Flea Market Montgomery “It’s Just Like A Minimall”
Here is the start of the Internet Meme The Flea Market Montgomery – It’s Just Like A Minimall. I’m taking you on a journey of the evolution of this meme, born from the mind of a simple man named Sammy Stephens who wants you to visit his Flea Market all the way to Christian Parody.
Flea Market Montgomery – Pet Shop Version
Here is the apex of the Flea Market Montgomery “It’s Just Like A Minimall” evolution, with slick production vales and tight beats, this would get anyone to visit the Minimall. It’s almost like Sammy had this idea in his head to laydown his rhymes so that they could one day be combined with “The Pet Shop Boys – Minimal”. It starts off kinda slow but then kicks into high gear.
Flea Market Montgomery (WAY-FM)
And now the Flea Market Montgomery “It’s Just Like A Minimall” has come full circle and is being sung on West Palm Beaches own Christian Radio Station WAY-FM. This is the epic falling from grace when your Internet Meme is covered by Christian Radio, this meme now been run into the ground, THANKS GUYS!
Kick back and remember a time when you were the coolest for having an Atari 2600 and Rubik’s cube under your tree this time of you.
Headroom – How Mad Are You?
Take ten volunteers, half have psychiatric disorders, the other half don't – but who is who? Follow this two-part social experiment to see if you can tell which of the people have a mental health diagnosis.
Over five days the group are put through a series of challenges – from performing stand-up comedy to mucking out cows. The events are designed to explore the character traits of mental illness and ask whether the symptoms might be within all of us.
now available on a.b.documentaries