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Bad Company 2 – Triple Monitor Gameplay
Hell yeah this is what ATI Eyefinity is all about 5040×1050 resolution, booya!
Zombie’s Top 10 Zombie Videogames
Thanks to a discussion on Kotaku here’s my Top 10 list of Videogames with Zombies in them in no specific order, oh and no infected bullshit either.
10. Zombies Ate My Neightboors (Best Fucking Music EVER!)
09. Beast Busters (I will never forget some guy saying “Heads flying everywhere and dicks in my face” while playing this when I was 10)
08. Resident Evil (Scary fucking game for PS1, right up there with Clocktower)
07. Splatter House (Hero wearing a Jason mask and busting people with his fists and weapons can’t be a mistake)
06. Crypt Killer (Nothing says Zombie Massacare like 3 player shotgun action)
05. Corpse Killer (YAY crappy FMV games, never was able to get this for my PC)
04. House of the Dead (B-Movie Awesomeness!)
03. Zombie Raid (Come on It’s got ZOMBIE in the title!)
02. Ghosts & Goblins (Anyone who fights Zombies in their underwear is AWESOME)
01. DooM (The grandaddy of FPS’s, to bad Wolfenstein didn’t have Nazi Zombies!)
PSA: Beware the Proliferation of Satanic-Themed Games
This thing starts great:
Even the most hard-core gamers are sounding the alarm about the rise in the number of satanically-themed video games that target God and Christianity, invite players to make pacts with the devil, and elevate Satan to hero status. “This has been going on for the last 10 years, but especially in the most recent games,” said Lance Christian, 32, of Alton, Illinois who has been an avid gamer for most of his life.
First off who are these hard-core gamers sounding the alarm? You know when gamers and fan boys sound the alarm it’s like **puts on sunglasses** internet wildfire YEEAAAHHHH. I also like how he says it’s been going on for the last 10 years, hrmmm something does sound right there. What was that big satanic game or right DooM, yeah 1993, little more than 10 years. He then goes on to make me want to play Dragon Age:
Dragon’s Age Origins—The game revolves around the story of God going mad and cursing the world. A witch attacks believers and players can “have sex” with her in a pagan act called “blood magic” so she can “give birth to a god.” Another scenario allows players to have sex with a demon in exchange for a boy’s soul.
HOLY SHIT! Blood Magic?!? You mean like Blood Sugar Sex Magik from the Red Hot Chili Peppers, FUCKING EPIC!!! Sign Me Up! Man this article is full of epic win I mean epic failure. And the best part of never blame yourself always blame the other guy:
Even though most of these videos are rated by the Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB) as “M” for mature audiences, many are rated “T” for teens. But regardless of the ratings, they can easily fall into the hands of children from older siblings or parents, Mr. Christian says, and points to a recent YouTube video of an eight year-old playing a popular adult Satanic-themed game.
Oh wait you mean there’s a child playing an M rated game his parents just scooped up and paid $60 without looking for it????? NO WAY! But there’s all kinds of warnings and markings and just a year or so ago they even made said warnings larger because parents complained they were to hard to read. So how again does an M rated game “fall” into a child’s’ hands? Their parents clearly couldn’t shut little Billy up unless they bought it for him. I wonder if these are the same people who scared Chromium away from Army of Two because you could fistbump and they felt that was “homoerotic”, hence a no no. Wait so what about Tim Tebow, I’m sure he’s gotten his share of fist bumps and ass slaps during football games does that make him “The Devil”? And aren’t you suppose to be taught to love all people, so where’s the love people, or is that love only reserved for your own kind kinda like the Nazi’s?
Aqua Teen Hunger Force – Exclusive Interview with Carl Brutananadilewski
ATHF really needs more Carl for good shit like this:
I got this Chinese energy drink in the mail a couple days ago. I Googled it and they say it’s rattlesnake penis mixed with battery acid. I respect the Chinese for not being afraid to thin out the herd a little, even if it costs me a gall bladder.
I don’t think I even made it through 4 episodes of Season 6 but now they’re putting out Season 7 as evident here:
Yeah, you know you like it, don’t cha!
Star Wars Comes To PlayStation Home
Awww yeah, Rebel Boobies in PSN Home, all yours for only 3 low payments of 67 cents!
Xbox Live & PSN On Moble Phones: They’re Doing It Wrong!
How mobile access to your console accounts should work is via a universal app. A common program you can install on an iPhone, an Android phone, a Nexus One, a Windows phone, a Sony Ericsson smartphone. Because that's the variety of phones we, as console owners, possess. While every 360 owner has a 360, they don't all own the same phone.
I totally agree, yeah yeah exclusives make the sales go boom but exclusive mobile access to your console, WTF! Microsoft and Sony need to get their respective heads out of their own asses and fix this shit PRONTO!