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Renewable capacity passes coal, additions outpacing demand in US, Europe
Ars Technica
Renewable capacity passes coal, additions outpacing demand in US, Europe

Uber’s self-driving truck went on a 120-mile beer run to make history
And so it begins… – e
Business Insider
Uber’s self-driving truck went on a 120-mile beer run to make history

Lonely Island – I Just Had Sex feat. Akon
Lonely Island – I Just Had Sex feat. Akon. Jessica Alba and Blake Lively cameo.
CoD Black Ops Lan Party
You must be 21 or over. I will fucking card you, and if you’re not, then your fucking ass is to the curb. Last time I did this I ended up with a bunch of 12 year olds who got dropped off by their moms, and I had to put the beer away and bust out the fucking kool-aid. My house is not a fucking Chucky Cheese.
Greatest Movie Test Ever
Scroll down and do the quiz as it instructs and find out what movie is your favorite one. This amazing math quiz can likely predict which of 18 films you would enjoy the most.
Pick a number from 1 – 9.
Multiply by 3.
Add 3.
Multiply by 3 again.
Now add the two digits together to find your predicted favorite movie in the list of 18 movies on the other side of the break. Mine was “Star Wars” – exactly right! It’s easy and it works.
Pimp Business Plan
“Take my game to the next level (From the concrete streets to executive suites.)”
Also important – “Stack Money to the ceiling (Safety Deposit Box)”
The racist Japanese.
I watched “Vampire Girl vs. Frankenstein Girl” this morning and holy crap are they racist.