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Insurgents Intercept Drone Video in King-Sized Security Breach
Having a laptop control predators in MW2 is not so farfetched after all. Now getting the feed stolen completely, well that’s another thing.
Apple – Movie Trailers – Iron Man 2
“I’ve successfully privatized world peace!” Can’t wait till May next year for this one.
The best video games of 2009
CNN is not an expert in video games. As with any list I suppose it’s just to stir up discussion. But DJ Hero for best music game? Have you played it?
Google Nexus to Launch January 1st 2010
Oooh secret countdown!
To see the mystery countdown, go to and, without entering a query, hit the “I’m Feeling Lucky” button (see, it is still good for something). Up will pop a countdown, currently at around 1,335,200. It appears to be ticking away the seconds, and it will hit zero in just under 15.5 days, which is January 1st, 2010.
WIll Nexus pick up his namesake phone???
PSP is getting Comic Book Commentaries?
Straight from the IDWPublishing twitter feed:
Editing more audio tracks from @Templesmith for Wormwood on the PSP. Ah, Sunday mornings!
Hrm, now that is a pretty cool incentive, bravo Sony.
Where are they now?
You know who the woman in this picture is…
It’s Carrie Henn – better known as Newt in Aliens all grown up!