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THC’s Halloween Piss Parade 2010
This year I saw a couple of comically scary costumes and I felt like I had to rant on them all. So here is the first of I hope an annual occurrence. Let’s dig in shall we. I’ll start with the costume name and then add my comments after. I’ve included links to buy all these costumes just in case the costume might strike you.
Sexy Elmo – There is very little sexy about this outfit. The crown jewel is the decapitated Muppet on top. Nothing about the rest of this outfit says Elmo whatsoever other than it’s red and furry. It actually looks like you murdered Elmo and wore his fur as a dress.
You Are Not So Smart
An extremely interesting site which dispels a lot of common misconceptions.
The Misconception: You take randomness into account when determining cause and effect.
The Truth: You tend to ignore random chance when the results seem meaningful or when you want a random event to have a meaningful cause.
How to Kiss – YouTube
Reminded me of the ending in the Guitar Hero South Park episode. =) The girl in this video reminds me of someone too, can’t put my finger on who though.
Interesting article on the evil that is Zynga.
I don’t fucking want innovation,” the ex-employee recalls Pincus saying. “You’re not smarter than your competitor. Just copy what they do and do it until you get their numbers.”