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Cube Subwoofer Install
Here are pics of my sub and the amp remote in the dash. The install shop tried to do a ripple effect to match the ceiling, but they could not get it looking the way they had intended so they wound up scrapping it in the interest of time.
I might revisit it at a later time when I have more time to give. I may have to also find a shop that specializes more in custom fiberglass. Any recommendations in the Raleigh, NC area?
I added a 12″ Rockford Fosgate P3 Subwoofer with a 500 Watt T500-1BD Rockford Fosgate amp all in a custom built ported box. My Cube now more than turns heads, it kicks you in the gut too.
Left 4 Dead 2’s Dark Carnival unveiled
Valve today revealed the third of five campaigns for Left 4 Dead 2, Dark Carnival, and Eurogamer popped round to the firm’s Bellevue office to try it out.
Sweet, ZOMBIE CLOWNS! They should make one of those house of mirror’s where you can get zombies tripped up on the air nozzles or the rolling pins, maybe even see them go round and round in the giant barrel at the end.
Google Explains Why You Didn’t Have Gmail
Interesting that they are so forthcoming. I still believe they were attacked and this was a cover up. I smell a conspiracy!
Boost Your Brain’s Health with Loud Music
I’m well on my way. I think I’ll take my SPL meter into my Cube…
Chrome’s Setup
Hi, my name is Chromium and I’m a Gadget Whore. I was asked earlier today how many computers I have at home and I realized that not many of you have had the chance to see or know my setup. So here’s a breakdown of my current systems and a brief explanation of their purpose. <Update – I have added pics!> This is the side view of my wife and I’s work stations.
The Good Enough Revolution: When Cheap and Simple Is Just Fine
Extremely interesting article on the rise of the mp3, the Flip video camera and the Predator drone. Thanks Wired!
Disney Buys Marvel For $4 Billion
What will this mean for Universal Studios’ rides? Will Disney get Marvel characters too?? Will they rebrand The Hulk to something DC?
Procedural Destruction and the Algorithmic Fiction of the City – BLDGBLOG
Procedural city creation and not just the outside, but rooms with furniture as well. Oh and the ability to blow it all up. Good read, can’t wait to see what games these end up in, it’s a shame games were canceled that already used this.