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IT Pros Scratch Creative Itch as Budding DJs
I found this piece particularly insightful, especially as to which software and hardware choices DJ’s like to use in performing live.
Today, the forum goon explore what Twitter might be like if it dispensed with all pretenses and embraced its true identity as yet another venue for discomfited white people to express their tepid and unremarkable concerns. If you for some reason missed life in a suburban high school, here's your chance to relive it!
New York’s High Line Park in the Sky Opens Today!
An elevated park in the sky built on top of the skeleton of an old rail system? It may have sounded impossible only five years ago, but today, the eagerly awaited High Line elevated urban park officially opens for thousands of New Yorkers looking to escape the hubbub of the city below!
The ‘Coffin Corner’ and a ‘Mesoscale’ Maw
Fascinating article on the Air France 447 crash and flight dynamics in general.
Beanz meanz microwaves? Heinz create gadget that can heat a snack in 60 seconds
It is the world's smallest, portable microwave and can be powered via a link to the USB port on a laptop computer.
The turquoise device -called the Beanzawave – has been created in partnership with Heinz to allow workers tied to their desks to create a warm snack, or hot drink, to see them through the day.
A Meteorologically Religous Experience
The winds increased progressively until there were 25-35 mph gusts. I could hear branches snapping in the nearby woods and my dog became agitated. Looking towards Lake Washington I could see white caps over much of its surface, while far to the north near Kenmore the lake seemed placid. Clouds were moving in aloft with an occasional drop or two. Temperatures had dropped at least 10F in a few minutes.