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TinyChat Generates Disposable TinyURL Chatrooms
TinyChat is a no-frills service for creating disposable chatrooms. Each chatroom gets a unique TinyURL for easy sharing, and nobody involved needs special software to join in.
Left 4 Dead 2 Teaser on Steam
Finally live out your chainsaw fantasies in L4D. Best line of the video “And if we run out of bullets… baby they gonna wish we hadn’t”
27 pounds of Ecstasy seized from Seattle-bound man
A Border Patrol drug-sniffing dog detected the drugs. Schreiber says officers removed several vacuum-sealed bags containing more than 48,000 Ecstasy tablets with a street value of about $500,000.
thats a lot of hugs!
Robot sub reaches deepest ocean
The dive to 10,902m (6.8 miles) took place on 31 May, at the Challenger Deep in the Marianas Trench, located in the western Pacific Ocean.
Time on social networks almost doubles in a year
Spending more time on social networks and blogs? You're not alone, with the latest figures showing the number of minutes spent on social networking sites in the United States has almost doubled over the past year.
The total number of minutes spent on Facebook surged 700 percent year-on-year to 13.9 billion in April this year from 1.7 billion a year ago, making it the No. 1 social networking site for the fourth consecutive month.
Chrome’s Nissan Cube Krõm Review
I finally bought myself a new car after getting frustrated with my old ’95 Nissan Pickup which has served me faithfully all of these years. I bent my rim on a nasty pothole last year and it hasn’t ridden the same since Firestone bent it back out. I wanted something with a high tech quotient and also something which met my tastes style wise. After seeing it in person and comparing it to the Kia Soul and the Scion xB, I chose the Nissan Cube Krõm Edition in Bitter Chocolate (a metallic dark brown). It looks somewhere between a maroon and purple under certain lighting conditions.
(Updated: Added animated gif of interior colors and a few more pics – After the jump)
Left 4 Dead 2 Announced
Something to look forward to! An all new cast plus chainsaws and frying pans!
Update: Some more screen shots here.
Webcam Multi-Fail
this clip is chock full of strangeness, but resist the urge to turn it all off… the last part is the best!
Holy crap, it worked! Dead video card resurrected!
my 8800gtx died a little over 3 months ago. went ahead and ordered a new video card because i figured the card is completely dead without having to pay to send it in and get it repaired because i didnt register it when i bought it initially(dumb, i know…)
sooooooo, i removed all bits from the card including the i/o shield and placed it gpu side down with the card raised up on 3 sides by tiny balls of aluminum foil and placed it on a very thin cookie sheet. i preheated the oven to 385f, put the card in and waited around 8-10 minutes. i carefully removed the cookie sheet and placed it on top of the oven to cool down naturally. waited about an hour and voila! =D