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How to Download Embedded Flash Files using your Browser
Flash animation files are embedded as SWF (Small Web Format) files in webpages. Rather than depending on any software or a third-party website, downloading Flash content is dead simple. The only tool required is a browser and a bit of patience to do the rummaging around.
JetBytes file exchange service
Do you miss the days of old when everything just worked, where you could use ICQ, AIM, MSN, etc and transfer files without port forwarding or downloading 10 different clients. Try JetBytes, which creates a custom URL that directly links the file on your computer to that url, no uploading to a separate server needed.
Oh, No! It’s Making Well-Reasoned Arguments Backed With Facts! Run!
Run! Run! It's making reasonable, fact-based arguments!
Quickly! Hide behind self-righteousness! The ad hominem rejoinders—ready the ad hominem rejoinders! Watch out! Dodge the issue at hand! Question its character and keep moving haphazardly from one flawed point to the next!
…wait, of course! Why didn’t we think of it before? Volume! Sheer volume! It’s so simple. Quickly now, we don’t have much time! Don’t let it get a word in edgewise! Derisively cut it off mid-sentence! Now, launch the sophomoric personal attacks! Louder, yes, that’s it, louder! Be repetitive, juvenile, and obstinate! It’s working! It’s working!
How much did you pay for your last pair of glasses?
Probably way too much, by the standards of Oxford physics professor Josh Silver, who has developed a wearer-adjustable set of eyeglasses that use water-filled plastic bags as lenses. They're so cheap that they can be distributed freely in underdeveloped and impoverished communities, which is exactly what Silver is doing, to the tune of 30,000 units so far. No visit to the optometrist and no custom lens grinding, just a standard pair of specs that you adjust once to your own visual comfort, using a small syringe, and then seal shut.
Solar Alignments Cause ‘Manhattanhenge’ This Weekend
For 15 minutes around sunset on two days this summer, the sun will set in exact alignment with the cross streets of Manhattan's street grid, making the city's towering buildings function something like a modern-day Stonehenge.
Rape games not really banned
Wow and you wonder why people are finally suspicious about the news media. TBS News does an interview of the Ethics Organization of Computer Software (EOCS) and then edits the footage to make it look like the EOCS says “Hey guys it’s cool, we banned that stuff”. To bad we have THE INTERNET! The EOCS goes and says we didn’t say that to which TBS asks for another interview and is kindly told to GTFO! And why people in America are freaking out about a game released oh 3 years ago, in another country is retarded. We really need to get over the whole sex and naked bodies are taboo and wrong shit, it’s gotten old a long time ago, fucking old stuck up tards. And if sex is so WRONG why is it that at every government convention all the prostitutes are taken and more fly in? Sounds like a bunch of “But I’m Above the Law” type shit to me. And if I want to sit and play some game like this, guess what it isn’t wrong CAUSE IT’S A FUCKING GAME!
Hell’s Belles
World-famous and ready to rock, Hell's Belles is the premier all-female AC/DC tribute act, blowing all comers away. Playing ALL AC/DC, ALL the time, ALL over the globe, spanning all the pure rock brilliance of AC/DC's career (from "High Voltage" to "Back in Black" and beyond), HELL'S BELLES do justice to the Aussie legends with patented HELL'S BELLES devotion, precision and fury.
Remote control your torrents with uTorrent’s WebUI
With uTorrent's WebUI, you can add, remove, and manage the downloads you've got running at home no matter where you are. Hit the jump and I'll show you how to get it all set up.