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Kickstarter is a new way to fund ideas and endeavors. People who use Kickstarter to fund their projects ("project creators") keep 100% ownership and control.
The NEW Canon Rock
hmmm… now i just need to convince my fiancée to walk down the aisle to this.
Trippin’ On FEMA
Forums poster Retromancer ripped off an article entitled "Fun With FEMA!" by Amelie Gillete for the A.V. Club. Gillete was commenting on a coloring book called A Scary Thing Happened, which was distributed by FEMA apparently in an attempt to help kids understand natural disasters. While nothing Retromancer did was particularly creative or original, some brilliantly deranged forum goons picked it up where Gillete left off, and turned an awful coloring book into something amazing. I'm not sure what happened here, but it is beautiful.
Team Fortress 2 – The Sniper Update
Introducing the Huntsman longbow… One headshot from the Huntsman can mean an instant crit, in addition to a bolt-riddled corpse hanging from a wall that's gruesome and funny.
Stack Overflow DevDays
We decided to launch a series of Stack Overflow events: the first gathering of the tribe of great developers making Stack Overflow so successful that over 90% of questions get answered .
It’s going to be in October, in five separate cities. In each city, we’re planning a one-day event.
International Space Station Comes Together
neat time-lapse flash movie of the different pieces coming together to build the ISS.
NSFW: “Shura Momohime” by Muuten
DAMN! Now that is an ass I’d like to tap and it’s a Wii game no less. And the artist has gone so far as to give us one with and one without the Yakuza tattoos, so take your pick. Either way to me that’s an apple bottom!
Man, 30, gives ‘birth’ to his twin
In a scene echoing the horror movie Alien, Gavin staggered into his GP’s surgery bleeding from his belly button.
His stunned GP Dr Joe Santos said: “It was like something from Alien. I didn’t believe Gavin when he said something was coming out of his belly button until I saw him.”