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New Transformers 2 Trailer
I’m guessing this will be in front of Wolverine when it opens today.
First ‘Iron Man 2’ picture surfaces
Damn, that’s a very nice monitor. Found this from following #jonfavreau on Twitter.
Coleman’s Appeal Brief: Count More Of My Votes — Or Maybe Nullify The Election
I have now had the chance to read through Norm Coleman's brief in his appeal of the Minnesota election trial — check out Rick Hasen's take on it here — and it sets up a coherent formulation of many of his previous arguments, boiling down to a few options Coleman wants the state Supreme Court to consider: To preferably count more ballots that are presumably for Coleman, or else subtract ballots that are presumably for Franken, or declare the whole election null
GMABooster gives your netbook’s integrated graphics a nudge
This looks worthwhile, anybody feeling brave enough?
Budget Traveller’s Guide to Sleeping in Airports
i wouldn’t recommend sleeping at an airport for an extended amount of time. however, this is a great site to check out before you travel; if you have an extended layover or a canceled flight, this site will let you know where to find the comfy benches you can actually catch a few minutes of nervous sleep on, along with other perks.
95 Old School Games You Can Play Online
If you love the old classics, this list should have you busy for months. Below is a list of 95 old school video games that you can play online.