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Chrome’s LCARS Desktop Part 2
I know you were all waiting for this. I’ve continued to tweak GeekTool and I feel like the flow is better now. First off, I’ve added a current weather map (unfortunately there’s no zoomed in view of the area where I live.) There’s also a history/what happened on this day/holiday display up top. I tweaked the date and time to be more asthetic, and you can now see the SMART status as a colored dot next to the NCC-1701 icon for the HDD. I’ve also tweaked the Airport display to show more than just the first name of the access point.
I’m still not 100% happy with the bottom right display (it may need a graphical flourish or something to frame the weather pic, but I’m very limited on space due to the nature of the netbook resolution (1024×600). More System 47 screen shots after the jump. Oh and let me know in the comments if you want these scripts, although most are readily available on the web.
Mexico Senate OKs bill to legalize drug possesion
Mexico's Senate approved a bill on Tuesday decriminalizing possession of small amounts of narcotics for personal use, in order to free resources to fight violent drug cartels.
Food Reviood: Chinese Chow-wa-wa
Anyone who knows me knows that I, in private, consider myself a bit of a "foodie." A friend of mine invited me to mainland China to try something half-controversial, half-impractical, half-insane, and entirely delicious. He wanted me to try his restaurant's off-the-menu special: An entire poached Chihuahua.
AMD’s $69 2.8GHz Athlon X2 7850 Black Edition CPU
AMD already showed us yesterday what kind of graphical prowess could be crammed into a sub-$100 GPU, and today it's attempting to pull the same kind of stunt on the CPU front. The Athlon X2 7850 Black Edition — a 2.8GHz [dual-core] chip with 2MB of L3 cache and loads of overclocking potential — has just been loosed, and with a downright stunning $69 MSRP
System47 LCARS Screensaver
This one is for both the Mac and PC. It compliments my LCARS Desktop very well. I had to follow Patrick’s fix in the comments to make it work, but it’s well worth it.
Urban Dictionary: dudevorce
When two male best freinds officially end thier friendship over a lame disagreement, usually concerning a girl.
i think we’ve all had at least one of these.
Chrome’s LCARS Desktop
Inspired by a Lifehacker post, I’ve been working on this one now for a few days. I’m using GeekTool installed on my Dell Mini 9 running OS X. I think I’ve finally gotten it to where it’s mostly useful. I still need something in the bottom right. I was thinking some kind of weather map or something. I know some people have iTunes now playing and album art but I don’t listen to music on it really. I’m not sure yet though.
It displays Hard Drive utilization, weather conditions and temperature, IP addresses for Wifi, Ethernet and the name of connected Wifi sources, the top processes running, a calendar and also the SMART status of the HD.