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10 Gadgets for Wannabe DJs
Mix, crossfade, and scratch like a master turntablist with these DJ equipment choices, like a portable mixer and USB turntable.
Change the System Volume from the Command Line – OS X
a. SSH into a coworker’s box.
b. # osascript -e “set Volume 10?
c. # say -v Whisper “Get back to work”
this works and is awesome!
10 best free Windows clipboard replacements
Windows' clipboard consists of a single item – press [Ctrl] + [C] or [Ctrl] + [X] again, and your original entry is lost.
Thankfully this shortcoming hasn't been lost on the programming community, and a large number of tools have been developed to fill the gap.
Things You Should Not Twitter
An easily indexed and searchable website featuring all of those comments that find their way onto social networking sites and come back to bite you in the ass.
Ubuntu 9.04 Released
The Ubuntu team is happy to bring you the latest and greatest software the Open Source community has to offer. This is their latest result, the Ubuntu 9.04 release, which brings a host of excellent new features.
i use ubuntu at work and love it. only a few months ago i upgraded from 7.04 to 8.10 and the changes were dramatic. things that needed to be compiled in, like support for a UPS or dual displays, are now default behavior in 8. i can’t imagine how smooth 9 is, and i think by the time they hit 10 (which should be in six months given ubuntu’s schedule) we should have a very solid OS that even your grandma can use.
try the ubuntu live cd! you can boot and use ubuntu without overwriting your current install. old hardware? linux is awesome for sub-par systems!
28″ Widescreen LCD Monitor – $299.97
That’s right, my two monitors are on sale again for $299.97. Get em while they’re hot. And make sure that you have a lot of desk space. Like a lot. Seriously.
First Impressions Of Left 4 Dead’s New Survival Mode
If you plan on playing Left 4 Dead's new Survival mode, get a microphone. Communication, as already noted by Valve itself, is key. And if you are new to the game, don't start with Survival.