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4/20: Spring Is In The Air
Each year, there comes a time when spring is budding, and you just want to kick back with some good tunes and enjoy life. Here are a collection of songs guaranteed to help you out along the way. Highlights include Luniz’ classic “I got 5 on it”, The Byrds’ ‘ “Mr. Tambourine Man”, and Eek-A-Mouse’s “Ganja Smuggling”. Enjoy!
Just Because You’re “Special”.. Doesn’t Mean You’re Special
My older brother is learning disabled and, as much as I love him, he's a total prick sometimes. Not in a standoffish Rainman kinda way either, more in a selfish jerk kinda way. I feel like people feel good about themselves when they give the less fortunate the benefit of the doubt. Like "oh, he's autistic, he didn't mean that." Maybe he did! Maybe that autistic guy thinks you're a dipshit and he's being a jerk about it. People are people regardless of anything that has happened to them or anything they were born with.
The Greatest Mixtape I Ever Made – Gizmodo
Giz editor Adrian Covert is one lucky son of a bitch, dude grew up listening to KMEL. Yes that KMEL the one that featured a young 19 year old DJ/Producer known as DJ Shadow, not once but TWICE mothafuckers! You don’t get featured twice as a guest DJ of a local radio station like KMEL in the Bay Area at 19 and not become a god.
Blizzard on my iPhone?
Review: DirecTV App for the iPhone
I can’t say enough about this new DirecTV app that was released a few weeks ago. It’s fast and it works better than their clunky web interface. It’s so great to be able to think of a show and instantly look it up and have it record on any of your DVR’s. Once you have this functionality, you’ll wonder how you ever lived without it.
Home Server Hacks: HP EX485 for $450
Until Saturday only, get a new Windows Home Server for $450. I just ordered one of these to replace my home built one. Better support and a lot more HP supported plugins make it definitely a good value. I’ve already got 2 1.5Tb drives that I’ll be slotting into it once it arrives. Should be very nice 🙂
Hasbro Officially Announces G.I.Joe Resolute Airdates
Starting tonight. The preview looks good.