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Time Warner uncaps the tubes!
Finally, a huge flamewar that actually ends in something good!
contrarian – The Skeptic’s Dictionary
Rather than demanding we dig deeper in order to clarify issues, the contrarian simply wants to throw dust in people's eyes so they can't see what's really going on.
AZO’s point of view of Seattle (real life Mirror’s Edge)
First person view stunt and tricks, like in the game 'Mirror's Edge'. The camera isn't attach to anything. It was either in my right or left hand while I jump around.
Why We Need Audiophiles
But then, settled into the lone leather chaise in Fremer's basement audio temple, nestled right in the sweetspot of his $65,000 Wilson MAXX3 speakers, I hear the needle drop on Air's "Run" from Talkie Walkie. It's a song I've never heard (kind of fell off Air after overusing Moon Safari considerably), but one that I'm now listening to all the time. Because, with all honesty, I have never heard anything like that song played on that stereo system at that moment. Ever.
How To Fly With Pot
Nothing makes for a relaxing vacation like toking on some dank sh*t. But if your plans involve flying, getting your stash from home to your destination involves breaking quite a few laws. So to keep you from having to track down a dealer when you’re from out of town–never a good plan–we’ve laid out exactly how to sneak a bit on board without the Department of Homeland security shoving a German shepherd up your a**. But remember, if you still get caught, we’ve never met…
Alleged Pimp Charged With Recruiting Teen Runaway on MySpace
This could be the plotline from a successful hollywood movie. Say Ludacris as the pimp and maybe Dakota Fanning as the underage ho. I’d watch that.
Possible Security Flaw in Apple’s IPhone
Always good to know when a vulnerability may be present. We’ll see how quickly Apple responds.