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Chrome’s Hackintosh Review
I’ve been researching Hackintoshes for a while now, and for compatibilities sake I saw that the Dell Mini 9 was the best netbook that you could get. When I saw a deal on it for $199 I decided to bite the bullet. Of course I wanted more memory and Solid State Drive space than stock, plus adding the webcam and bluetooth brought my final bill up to $469. Still way cheaper than a macbook, plus its in the netbook form factor. The screen is 8.9″ and is bright and vibrant. It’s about an inch bigger than my kindle 2 all the way around and about the same thickness with the cover on. Read the rest of this entry »
The answer: $30,000 a year, at Florida Today
That's the base pay Gannett is now offering for a web producer/developer job handling all visual elements of Florida Today's website, according to the paper's CareerBuilder job posting; it's the subject of today's pop quiz. The job includes responsibility "for the overall look and feel of the website, including lead development of content and architecture plans, presentation design and coordination of all materials to prepare for production."
this is why newspapers are destined to die. the one place they should be investing, they’re skimping on.
Michael Bay Signs $50M Deal To Fuck Up ‘ThunderCats’
This is awesome. Classic Onion.
Beam ESPN Content to Your Nintendo DS
Just slap your Nintendo DS in your pocket out the door to a Seattle Mariners game at Safeco Field and for five bucks you could check out the players, order food, watch videos, play games with other fans in the stadium, and track the latest stats on other games — all without leaving your seat.
Neil Young’s 1959 Lincvolt Hybrid
Neil Young recently released his latest album “Fork in the Road”, which is dedicated to the Lincvolt project that transformed his classic [1959] Lincoln Continental into a hot zero emissions vehicle that gets 100mpg.
Franken Ruled Winner, Again
We are now in the next stage of Republican attempts to delay Minnesotans' full representation in the U.S. Senate. Yesterday's strongly worded ruling by the Minnesota Court that Franken won the election, not only puts Minnesota closer to getting a second Senator, but further damages whatever integrity and political future Coleman has left.
Marilyn Chambers, the Ivory Snow Porn Star, Dead at 56
Wikipedia says she did stuff for Naughty America and Milfhunter, but I can find no such proof.
PixelJunk Eden Encore Launching on PSN this Thursday
The next stage in PixelJunk Eden is set to be released on the Playstation Network this Thursday April 15, 2009 and for only $5.99 it’s a steal!
Germany Seems Strangely Relaxed About the Crisis
The economic crisis has taken its toll in Europe. Governments in the Czech Republic, Hungary and Latvia have collapsed. Violent street protests have erupted in France and Britain. Yet Germany remains unfazed. While its economy is forecast to contract by 5.3 percent this year—compared with 4 percent in the U.S., 3.7 in Britain and 3.3 in France—Germans are remarkably angst-free about their prospects.