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amBX PC gaming peripherals
the subject of the day amoungst the group: amBX peripherals?
ambient lighting, wind and vibration components, all controlled by your game. sounds lame at first, then kinda seems cool. i’m still on the fence if you can’t tell.
they just need to add a fog machine, so when a smoker is around the corner it gets cloudy in your room.
Why Cable ISP Capping is the New DRM, and Suck
Tom’s Hardware performs an in depth analysis on the new Time Warner Cable caps and why its screwing us, me in particular.
The test that can tell you if your marriage will survive
Scientists claim to have come up with a mathematical model which determines whether newlyweds are heading for a lifetime of happiness – or spiralling towards divorce.
They say the technique is 94 per cent accurate and can spot the difference long before any cracks have appeared in a relationship. It works by dividing couples into five types – with only two guaranteeing a stable marriage.
The geeks get the girls?
One cheerleader has skinned knees, she’s off to a good start 😉
GameStop Sells Played Games As New, Sources Say, Practice Could Be Illegal
Confirming what I thought all along.
Fox Cancels Dollhouse Episode
Say it ain’t so! I’d LOVE to see Felica Day on Dollhouse!!!!! NO cruel TV execs, why????
Looking Back at 1996: Nintendo’s Fall, Part 1
A look back at the Big N when they didn’t print money out the ass. Sure they had fanboys but they didn’t have 38 year old soccer moms and 68 year old grandfathers like they do now.