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Cute Overload: Three Chicks A Day
Photos taken daily as they become my egg makers. And sometimes there's poop.
South Park Creators Given Signed Photo of Saddam Hussein
Matt Stone and Trey Parker, the creators of South Park, were given a very special gift by US marines: a signed photo of Saddam Hussein. During his captivity, the marines forced Saddam to repeatedly watch the movie South Park: Bigger, Longer And Uncut, which shows him as the boyfriend of Satan. Stone said, "We're very proud of our signed Saddam picture and what it means. It's one of our biggest highlights."
Scarpar Prototype 3
wow. this is effing awesome… a motorized skateboard with treads instead of tires: all-terrain, off-road, snow, sand. do want.
It is a myth that we can catch up on sleep. We need to cash in that check every day or it is lost, like vacation time for many of us, use it or lose it. When we sleep is just as important as the amount of time we sleep. Every hour of sleep before midnight is equal to four hours of sleep after midnight.
Sophie Tucker is made of WIN
… cattle dog Sophie Tucker, a pet dog that fell overboard in rough seas off Australia, has been reunited with its owners after surviving alone on an island for four months
Jackie Earle Haley Jumps From Rorschach to Freddy
I loved him as Rorschach, it should be interesting to see him as Freddy. I wonder what direction they’re going with it this time around. Campy? Serious? You can’t Dark Knight Nightmare on Elm Street.
Guess Her Muff
Do you think you can guess how a babe keeps her muff based on her how she dresses?
The answers might surprise you…
Sexy, but SFW. Links on the page are NSFW.
Not sure? Just don’t visit
AT&T Rapidly Expanding Network to Accommodate New iPhone
I’m betting this is announced and available almost immediately in June like the previous 2 iPhones. Finally data speeds inline with home broadband.