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No Fear: “Bad” Beer
yeah. PBR is def my fave “bad” beer and the poll confirms this.
somehow pabst made their piss-water beer smooth enough to be drinkable. cheers!
The Worst Homemade Star Wars Costumes
Some people really love Star Wars. So, to show their love, they will go to great lengths to dress up as their favorite characters for nerd conventions, nerd parties and any other nerd-based gatherings. Here are some of the worst.
Wolverine Leak Remains Unplugged
Best comment – “Does he have a steel rod in his weiner? That might be cool.”
This goes out to all my pill popping, weed toking homies, you know who you assholes are! =)
The Definitive Sexy Pikachu Picture Gallery
I decided to see how deep the rabbit hole went, so I scrounged around for a while and now I think I can safely say that this is the sexiest collection of Pikachu pictures on the internet. I think I’m about to cry, I’m so proud of what I’ve accomplished.
Which sauces go best with which noodles
Love me some pasta, it’s nice to see a breakdown of what pasta compliments what sauce.
Six Examples of Workplace Rudeness
Plenty of our daily interactions at work are befuddling. You're often left wondering if people are deliberately rude or just ignorant of their behavior. After all, you'd like to think people aren't going out of their way to inconvenience you.
With that in mind, we've taken a look at unappreciated behavior that rears its head in an effort to explain why it's rude and why you shouldn't do it (or why someone shouldn't do it to you).
Robaxin (Methocarbamol)
Robaxin is a muscle relaxant used to treat pain caused by muscle spasms.
awesome stuff… not a pain killer, and has very limited side- and longterm- effects.
i call this “a 1 hour massage in a pill.” yes, its that good.
The Great UFO Hoax of 2009
They cooked up a spaceship hoax “to show everyone how unreliable eyewitness accounts are, along with investigators of UFOs.” They used 5 feet of fishing line to tie flares to each of five 3-foot helium balloons and launched them from a field on January 5, 2009. “Once all five balloons were ready for takeoff (with our fingers on the verge of frost bite),” they write, “we struck the 15-minute flares and released them into the sky in increments of fifteen seconds,” filming the UFOs as they floated away.