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Get the edge in L4D
using some clever scripts. I have modified one and now have my autoexec online.
here is another one for those who want to learn the 25 point pounce, it lets you practice.
Mc Surf-n-Turf
If you can't decide if you want a fish fillet or a quarter pounder. Then just combine them together and create the Mc surf-n-turf.
Gmail Autopilot!
Let GMail responde automatically for you, why waste your time cleaning your inbox when GMail can responde to everyone. Now if Outlook would get it’s head out it’s ass and get this as an add-on executives would have free-time galore!! Happiness for everyone, peace in the world and riches beyond imagination!
Shawn Johnson @ Photo Gallery
All I could think of when I saw this was “Oh No! Crotch on FIRE! PUT IT OUT PUT IT OUT!!”
When Dad Banned Text Messaging
Text messaging is a dominant form of teenage communication, but reports of cyber bullying and texting-related driving accidents have some parents questioning whether to allow their kids to text. North Carolina parent Debbe Geiger writes about the challenges of banning text messaging and whether parents should even try.
Ultimate Battle: The Snuggie vs. Slanket vs. Freedom Blanket vs. Blankoat
The Slanket, the Snuggie, the Freedom Blanket or the supremely expensive and extravagant Blankoat? This is the most important question of the millennium. You're about to know the answer.
Hands-on: Can’t make a decision? Get a Hunch
A new site from a Flickr co-founder, called Hunch, wants to help you with both the tough and benign decisions in your life. Hunch builds a relational database from its users' activity, and encourages them to tweak questions and the criteria that produce answers. Eventually, the wisdom of Hunch's crowd may mean that you never have to make a decision again.
HDHomeRun Network-based Dual Digital HDTV Tuner
Turn any PC on your network into an HDTV with SiliconDust's HDHomeRun adapter. This dual tuner solution plugs into your network and lets you receive both over the air and unencrypted content from your cable company.
Everything’s Amazing, Nobody’s Happy
very funny. embedding may fail, so just click the title to view it in youtube.