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Left 4 Dead CosPlay

Zombie16 FTW! (Video Games, Zombie)

Don’t ask me about the 5th person, I have no idea, but I like this photo because they actually added the weapon locker corkboard.


Cannibal Mom eat’s friend

Zombie16 FTW! (WTF?!, Zombie)

Let’s see, she hit her in the head with an axe a few times, cut off her ears, gouged out an eye, cut off 1 arm and 1 hand, I’ll assume they mean 1 from each side, then finally cooked her, or and her son who is 7 saw the whole thing. I know The Sun isn’t the most reputable paper and Russia does have some crazy problems but that’s just FUCKED UP!


Do the Secret Bush Memos Amount to Treason?

LowCommotion FTW! (Politics, Your Rights)

In early March, more shocking details emerged about George W. Bush legal counsel John Yoo's memos outlining the destruction of the republic.

The memos lay the legal groundwork for the president to send the military to wage war against U.S. citizens; take them from their homes to Navy brigs without trial and keep them forever; close down the First Amendment; and invade whatever country he chooses without regard to any treaty or objection by Congress.


Should You Worry About Data Rot?

Chromium FTW! (PC Tech)

Absolutely! I am finding that my mp3 cd’s are already having problems, and they go back to about 10 years now. 1998 was when I burned my first.  I’m already considering transfering it all to HDD and then archiving to blu-ray or dvd.  I’ll save a whole lot of space as well.


Marine saves unit after taking a bullet in the helmet.

Zombie16 FTW! (War)

The team had walked into an ambush and Marine Sam Alexander knew that the only chance they had was to fight their way through. He picked up a heavy machine-gun and “traded lead” with the insurgents just 15 metres away. Running out of ammunition, he opened up with his 9mm pistol until that too was spent. The Taliban fighters were forced to withdraw and found themselves being hunted as they ran into other marine units coming in from the flanks.



Cheerleaders of the 2009 NCAA

Zombie16 FTW! (Sexy)

More pics after the jump, mmmmmm.


Satan debate airs tonight on Nightline

LowCommotion FTW! (Religion, TV)

Tonight, ABC's Nightline airs a debate on that question that was taped in Seattle last week.

The program pulls together a rather curious lineup — Seattle megachurch Pastor Mark Driscoll; alternative-medicine author Deepak Chopra; Annie Lobert, a former Las Vegas escort who founded Hookers for Jesus; and the Rev. Carlton Pearson, a former Pentecostal preacher from Tulsa who was branded a heretic for saying everyone — not just Christians — could go to heaven.


Wilford Brimley has a message for Chrome

LowCommotion FTW! (Chris' Piss, Health)


F My Life

LowCommotion FTW! (Fun, Internet)
Loading... is a UFO on the web. The site is a recollection of everyday anecdotes likely to happen to anyone. They are published on the site and written exclusively by our users. This site is a place to “let it all out” and unwind by sharing those little things that screw with your day; it allows you to realize that you are not alone. Posts are meant to start by 'Today' and end by 'FML'. The site aims to be fun to read everyday.


“Lancing the f***ing boil”: how digital killed Big Music

LowCommotion FTW! (Money, Music)

The industry learned to mint hits (and therefore money) in the 60s and 70s, but it was the CD that made record companies into global behemoths. Knopper takes half his book explaining the CD boom, only coming to Napster 113 pages into his tale. That's because, in his telling of the story, the downfall of the labels in the age of digital distribution only makes sense when looking at the last major format shift and the huge profits it brought the industry.