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Jane Akre, her husband Steve Wilson and Fox News
Jane Akre and her husband Steve Wilson are former employees of Fox owned-and-operated station WTVT in Tampa, Florida. In 1997, they were fired from the station after refusing to knowingly include false information in their report concerning the Monsanto Corporation's production of RBGH, a drug designed to make cows produce more milk. They successfully sued under Florida's whistle blower law and were awarded a US $425,000 settlement by jury decision. However, Fox appealed to an appellate court and won, after the court declared that the FCC policy against falsification that Fox violated was just a policy and not a "law, rule, or regulation", and so the whistle blower law did not apply.
the appeal was granted and Fox counter-sued Akre and Wilson for $1.7million. neat!
2009 IT Skills and Salary Report
Depending on what certification you carry, what is the average salary you should be getting paid?
‘Survival’ DLC Hits Left 4 Dead April 21st
They already said it would be free. I hate retards who don’t look up their facts before posting stories.
More women going from jobless to topless!
Oh hell yeah, I told ya’ll it’s going to be porn city for the next few years, woman willing to do anything for a price!
Playboy Posts Unedited Back Issues Online, for Free
Through a partnership between Microsoft and Bondi Digital Publishing, Playboy Enterprises has put 53 back issues of Playboy on the Web, viewable through Microsoft's Silverlight viewer.
The issues cover the years 1954 through 2007, and appear as they did in the print version, with advertisements left intact.
Easy iPhone stand
Here's a simple, flat stand for your iPhone, Touch, or other mobile media device, made from a cut-up office store bonus card.
Rock Band Gets Eleven From Ten Next Week
Finally some decent music after months of crap on the Rock Band DLC.
JobVent: I Love My Job – I Hate My Job
JobVent is the web site for anyone who has ever said 'I hate my job', or 'I love my job'. JobVent is the web site for people who are about to start a new job, and want to see what other people think of working there.
they have two tables right on the front page there, which show the best and worst rated companies. guess i should go apply at armani!