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Left 4 Head – Followup
Here’s a review so you know what you’re getting into. (Parts 1-5, Part 6)
Download the Free NIN|JA EP
Featuring exclusive unreleased tracks from Jane's Addiction, Nine Inch Nails & Street Sweeper.
Porn Sting Goes To The Dogs
Is your wife/girlfriend this freaky, I think not. Michelle Owen turned her laptop over to police thinking her boyfriend had used it to search for child porn, however they found 2 videos of her being eaten out by their beagle, NICE! Sounds like a happy home to me, she accuses him of being a pedo and gets busting for being “drunk” and messing around with the dog.
Liam Neeson and Natasha Richardson’s Home Theater
In honor of Natasha Richardson passing, I figured I would post a PDF of their article from Sound and Vision magazine, since for some reason it is no longer on S&V’s website. This article really stuck with me after I read it, I think it was because they sounded passionate about movies but not overly biased, the family you always wanted on your block to come over a chill with on the weekends. Unfortunately the world has lost another kind person, R.I.P.
Team Fortress 2 Patch Goes Multi-Core… Video
Kotaku jizzes pants at the mention of multicore rendering, forgets about multicore GPU’s, misses point. So for everyone turning this on and not seeing an increase, this has been reported to being for Multicore GPU’s like the 4870×2 and the like. SLI and CrossFire should be the words used not just multicore which most people assume means CPU.
Pious ‘fight death the hardest’
People with strong religious beliefs appear to want doctors to do everything they can to keep them alive as death approaches, a US study suggests.