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City Hideout
When the stress of city living gets too much, just deploy this contraption, jump inside and close the lid. It looks exactly like a traffic box that is found commonly along streets and sidewalks. It comes complete with vents so you can look out and watch the world go by while you hide and wait for your therapist.
a fancy-pants version of the cardboard box in metal gear. i need this.
Goldplated staples
Type: 24 x 14 KT Goldplated staples
Dimensions: 1,6 x 1,3 x 0,5 cm / 0,6 x 0,5 x 0,2 inch
Packaging: Black, velvet jewelry box, 5 x 5 cm / 2 x 2 inch
Design: Studio OOOMS
only $200 for 24!
Scratch Hero? Ars interviews Mix Master Mike about DJ title
Mix Master Mike is more than qualified to serve as a creative consultant to the world's first peripheral-based DJ game. And while his input could make or break the experience, he says "anyone into scratch DJing and beat making will be very pleased." Ars explores what could be the next big thing in rhythm games.
Opt-Out of Google Targeted Ads
Don’t want to leave bread crumbs and cookies around and have weird ads about Hentai and butt plugs show up in google? Opt-out of google delivering you targeted ads, especially useful when looking up random info, as is the ‘nets greatest purpose.
Hotmail Finally Enables POP3 Worldwide
Woohoo, now I can finally get my hotmail on my iPhone. Apple appears to have the settings already, so it knows what servers to put in when you enter the email address. Bonus!
quality over quantity, or: a list of things you will never be allowed to do at your job
I found the following picture via Lifehacker, and it reminded me of my experiences working with my dad or even listening to the way he and his partners ran the business. These are things that would never fly in most businesses these days — corporate or otherwise — but then, that’s why I think people are so fed up with companies and customer service: no one seems to emphasize quality over quantity anymore.
25 Things About My Sexuality
Send your 25 things to 25thingsaboutmysexuality. No identifying information will be posted.
Random folks, just like you and me, post their sexual secrets, under the cover of anonymity. Hot, scary, interesting.