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Olivia Munn reviews chick vodkas
Evidently she’s the new shill for Complex magazine. Not a bad thing.
Monkey gets revenge on owner with a well-aimed coconut
A monkey who tired of being forced to climb trees to pick coconuts killed his owner with a well-aimed coconut.
The Transient
Filmed in Champaign-Urbana, Illinois, THE TRANSIENT is a 25-minute short film detailing the story of a homeless vigilante and his case worker, Steve, as they try to thwart Vampire Abraham Lincoln and his gang of 1980's punks from sucking the blood of four-score and seven virgins.
SocialEngine PHP Social Network Script
SocialEngine is a PHP-based social network platform that lets you create a social network on your website. Right out of the box, your social network will offer nearly all of the features found on today's wildly popular social networks. Instead of hosting your social network on our servers, we give you complete control over your project by allowing you to download the source code and install it on your own server.
Increase Firefox speed by 10-30x
Firefox is a well known open source browser and is widely used around the world for it being secure, stable and fast.
But by default few settings are disabled in this which makes it bit slow sometimes. With this tutorial you will be able to explore the hidden speed of Firefox which will boost the speed of Firefox and make your Firefox lighting fast.
Breast Picture
An underdog porn director and his cast of porn stars try to shoot an Oscar-worthy film without his producer and lead actress finding out.
Hard-Core Gamers Penetrate Peggle’s Physics
He said penetrate. What can I say, it’s a Peggle article! Fricken Peggle!!!!