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IGN Presents the History of Street Fighter
Know your roots, History Channel needs to run a documentary on this STAT!
Obama urges special rewards for best teachers
President Barack Obama says he backs the idea of merit pay for the best school teachers — a position that his union supporters have fought.
Obama on Tuesday told a meeting of the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce: "It is time to start rewarding good teachers and stop making excuses for bad ones."
Wired’s – Life Before the Console Age = EPIC FAIL
God lord Wired what the hell happened to you? You include an Intellivision, a Vertex and a Nintendo Game & Watch in an article about life before Consoles? What’s the next article Life Before Cars including the Model T, the Harley Davidson Motorcycle and Airplanes, WTF!
Britney – Declares Pussy Hanging Out to Fans at Show
I’ll be the judge of that, come closer!
The American Economy What the Jobs Housing Numbers Really Mean
With a population of 300 million and an average family size of 3.19 people, the U.S. has approximately 93.65 million "family units." Assuming each of those families can afford a house and only one house (both big assumptions), that leaves 32 million excess homes on the market.
why are we still building houses?
How To: Drive in the Snow
Unless you have been trained in how to respond to a snow- or ice-induced skid, you will invariably succumb to what the experts call “target fixation.” That is: focusing on your impending doom instead of taking proper evasive action. This will result in a crash.
Split/Second – First Look
What if you took Burnout and mixed it with player triggered events? Bridges collapsing, sewer pipes exploding, cranes failing and dropping their cargo. If this isn’t a prerender, this sure as hell looks like one sweet game. The destruction on the cars alone is sick, add in the enviromental destruction and you have a winner. I’ll be keeping a close eye on this one to see how it turns out.
Cansolair Solar Panels – FREE Heating without the Pollution
Cansolair Inc. has developed a forced convection solar heating unit called the Model RA 240 SOLAR MAX. A dwelling of 1000 square feet can have a complete air change in 1.5 hours. Working experience indicates that comfortable room temperature can be maintained in a 1000 square foot dwelling with 15 minutes of sunlight per hour.
don’t want to spend $2,700? you can buy this kit and do-it-yourself for $370.
or follow these instructions to build one from scrap. might want to include a temperature controlled switch or two, tho.