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Washington State Officially Salutes Penny Arcade
The Washington State Senate has gone to the trouble of approving a bill that serves as nothing but a tip of the hat for the creators of Penny Arcade, Jerry Holkins and Mike Krahulik.
Senate resolution 8640 – introduced on March 5 and passed on March 5 – honours the contribution the pair (both originally from Spokane, Washington) have made to the state, the games industry and to children's charities across the world courtesy of their Child's Play initiative.
Police Issue Warning about Nintendo DSi – KFSM
Oh shit, a new Nintendo DS only means one thing; a new bunch of morons, bible thumpers and freaked out parents on parade. You see the DSi is Internet connected, yeah that’s what the lower case “i” means incase you didn’t know and oh just forget about the fact the original DS already had internet this one includes the browser stock so it’s time for more PANTIES ALL IN A BUNCH OVER BULLSHIT! Seriously maybe these people should actually be out doing something useful instead of worrying about what little Billy may or may not find out on the net, and how about teaching him responsibly from the get go. Bitches.
44 Porn Stars Who Twitter [With Galleries]
Because why didn’t you need this info? NSFW duh.
Left 4 Dead DLC Update
That’s right, the good guys over at IGN dropped some tasty info on L4D DLC. We finally get the other 2 VS maps and we get a nice little game they call Survival mode. So far none of the beta testers lasted more than 9 minutes, you know what that means? We better FUCKING OWN UP THAT’S WHAT!
Doctor Decision
DoctorDecision allows patients to share their opinions about any kind of doctor (Physicians, dentists, surgeons, veterinarians…) in USA.
Movie & Game Cartoons
Some amazing art from various movies and games. Who needs some new wallpaper?
Pac Man – Video Game Lies Wiki
In 1982, 8-year-old Jeffrey R. Yee of San Fransisco set the worldwide record for the high score on Pac Man: 6,131,940 points. In reality, the highest score achievable is 3,333,360 points, due to a game-ending byte-overflow bug in the screen rendering code when level 256 is reached. Even President Ronald Reagan was fooled by this lie, having sent Jeffrey a letter of congratulations.
I like how Ronny Ray-gun actually gave a shit about video games, man everyone was seduced by Pac Man and his pills! Check out more lies at the Video Game Lies Wiki, see if your favorites is on there, and yes just about every nude code that never worked is there.