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The Die is Cast
Interesting article on Comcast and their file sharing shenannigans, and why there is a 250 GB cap now.
It’s the End of the News Hole as We Know It
We've now "observed" two future of news media via Twitter (the City Club and ONA events) and watched the Seattle City Council and "No News Is Bad News" events go down via their live stream (while eyeing the #nnbn Twitter channel). One caveat before we recap: what we've learned is mostly useless in practical terms.
one for listener and his superiors.
Use Your iPhone to Get Yourself Out of a Parking Ticket
If your parking meter fails to text you when your time has run out you still may have some hope of not having to pay it thanks to today announced full compatibility of its online service with the Safari web browser on the Apple iPhone, enabling an iPhone user to immediately contest a parking ticket the moment it is issued.
Fisherman found my lost phone in the belly of a 25lb cod …and it still works
A BUSINESSMAN who lost his mobile phone on a beach was amazed when it turned up — in the belly of a massive cod.
But a week later his girlfriend’s mobile rang and it was fisherman Glen Kerley saying he’d found the phone in a 25lb fish.
The Top 10 Worst Types of Fanboys
Wait just a damn minute! You mean there were multiple hot Slave Leia’s at comic con, this guy gets double teamed and this is the only photo we have with both of them! WTF! I don’t know what’s going on with those Stormtroopers but looks to me like one of them Leia’s is gonna be DP’d here shortly.
Digg – The Dead Tree Theory: Republican Hypocrisy on Spending
This would make an awesome signature on some Fox News website forum:
Republicans spend without taxing so they can blame the democrats when they raise the taxes to pay for it. They drove us into a ditch and are now complaining that the Democrats are wasting money on calling a tow truck.
Epic Win!
Growing hate groups blame Obama, economy
Try and read the article with a straight face knowing the man being interviewed has a last name of Black. The other funny piece is that while many people talk about Obama bringing us into Socialism one group called The National Socialist Movement also hate him! Ha!
On Role Models and their Bongs
“I inhaled frequently. That was the point.” – Barack Obama, U.S. President