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Saab 9-2X
The Saab 9-2X is an automobile that was sold by Saab in the mid-2000s, but assembled in Japan at the Ota-Gunma plant by Fuji Heavy Industries and based on the Subaru Impreza with a modified body, suspension, and interior.
Command and Conquer Full Install (Freeware)
Command and Conquer Gold – now Freeware ! To celebrate the 12 years anniversary of the launch of Command and Conquer, Electronic Arts decided to provide it as a freeware.
Rolcats – English Translations of Eastern Bloc Lolcats
wow, the russian sense of humor is way off from ours…
Hilarious quotes from commentators at the summer Olympics last year
1. Weightlifting Commentator: ‘This is Gregoriava from Bulgaria . I saw her snatch this morning during her warm up and it was amazing.’
ComputerWorld reviews 5 power-line ethernet devices
Pretty much confirming what I had already experienced when I tested out the technology: It’s crap. Go wired or wireless if you have to.
Team Fortress 2 – Scout Update and Demo Sticky Bomb Clarification
The news you've all been waiting for: The Scout Update!
Also, we released an update yesterday with a change that needs some clarification. The update notes said “Sticky bombs now get a reduced close range damage ramp up (like Rocket Launcher & Syringe Gun)”
From the response we got, there's some confusion around this, so we thought it'd be good to do a post that explained what's going on here.
Anonymous Caller? New Service Says, Not Any More
TrapCall takes advantage of a loophole in Caller ID blocking that’s long benefited corporate phone customers: Namely, calls to toll-free numbers are not blocked, because those calls are paid for by the recipient.
TrapCall instructs new customers to reprogram their cellphones to send all rejected, missed and unanswered calls to TrapCall’s own toll-free number. If the user sees an incoming call with Caller ID blocked, he just presses the button on the phone that would normally send it to voicemail. The call invisibly loops through TelTech’s system, then back to the user’s phone, this time with the caller’s number displayed as the Caller ID.