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Nintendo DSi Arriving April 5th for $170
As if you needed something else to spend your money on.
Wash. burglary victim outwits thieves, steals van
Patrick Rosario had a clever way of making sure a pair of burglars didn't get away with his three flat-screen TVs: He stole their van.
The 32-year-old, laid-off Washington Mutual manager was in the basement of his Bellevue home Tuesday afternoon when he heard the thieves upstairs. He called 911 as he snuck out of the house and, against the advice of the dispatcher, hopped into the getaway car — a white Ford van that was parked in front of his house, still running — and drove away.
The burglars took off on foot, leaving a pile of televisions, a laptop and a jewelry box by the door.
Sony enticing users into Home with Killzone 2
Yup, you want the Killzone 2 demo? Didn’t pre-order it, did you? Well pop into Home for the PS3 around 9pm EST and look for a Helghast soldier and see if you can commandeer a beta code from him.
AKIRA – Behind the Bluray Remaster
You start off wit information like this:
Even at a running time of only 124 minutes, AKIRA pushes the boundaries of what can be compressed to a Blu-ray Disc. The root of this challenge lies in the 192khz/24-bit 5.1 track. Uncompressed linear PCM at this resolution needs an astonishing 28 megabits per second (mbps) of transfer rate. To give a point of reference, this is 30% greater than the video bitrate on the well- regarded Pirates of the Carribean: Dead Man’s Chest Blu-ray, and 8mbps over the maximum allowable combined audio bitrate in the Blu-ray spec.
and then this:
Naturally, there is a price to be paid for quality, and that comes in the form of bonus material. The disc is so full with the movie and its soundtrack that neither the “AKIRA Production Report” or the previous restoration documentaries were able to fit on the disc.
It’s kind of odd, why go for the 30th Anniversary release on Bluray and go half assed after making so much noise about the transfer of the audio and video? If Blade Runner can get 5 discs then whe not 2 or 3 Blu-ray’s for Akira?
New Software Would Play Any Videogame Ever Created
“We don’t value our gaming heritage in the same way that we do books or movies – we’re stuck with the model of everything being superceded,” says Newman. The best-maintained collections of old games can be found on auction sites like eBay or in the hands of dedicated amateur collectors, he adds.
That’s right U.S. Gov’t I’m keeping my MAME collection FOR SCIENCE AND ART, you can’t fuck with that!
See if Midway Owes You Money Too!
* Wells Fargo Bank – $150,000,000
* Acquisition Holdings Subsidiary – $40,000,000 unsecured loan (Thomas is the mystery man who purchased Midway late in 2008)
* National Amusements, Inc. – $20,147,864
* NBA Properties, Inc. – $17,294,849 (License/royalty settlement)
* Tangible Media, Inc. – $8,675,954
* Warner Bros. Interactive – $6,654,203
* Artificial Mind & Movement – $2,000,000
* Epic Games – $1,975,000 (License/Royalties)
* Walmart – $1,576,035
* Far Sight Technologies – $1,279,151
* Best Buy – $1,114,036
* Target – $934,156
* Technicolor Video Services – $637,769
* Toys R Us – $615,276
* Ditan/Synergex Canada – $578,316
* CBS Outernet – $314,600
* David Zucker – $300,000 (severance pay)
* Multi Packaging Solutions – $287,036
* A.A.F.E.S Headquarters – $276,314
* Kmart – $218,497
* Tigon Studios – $200,000(license/royalties)
* Hollywood Entertainment – $190,982
* TNA Entertainment – $160,000 (license/royalties)
* Professional Films, Inc. – $150,000
* Synergex – Latin America – $149,027
* Pioneer.JB Marketing – $133,353
* Eclipse Advertising – $132,687
* GameStop – $127,250
* Sear, Roebuck – $125,495
That is a whole lotta money anyway you wanna butter someones bread with it.