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Is the Relational Database Doomed?
Recently, a lot of new non-relational databases have cropped up both inside and outside the cloud. One key message this sends is, "if you want vast, on-demand scalability, you need a non-relational database".
If that is true, then is this a sign that the once mighty relational database finally has a chink in its armor? Is this a sign that relational databases have had their day and will decline over time? In this post, we'll look at the current trend of moving away from relational databases in certain situations and what this means for the future of the relational database.
Left 4 Dead on Steam 50% off
Not that it benefits the hardcore THC as we already have it, but L4D is $24.99 this weekend only on Steam. Spec? Rotagila?
COPPA Kids: Born too late.
This one seems like its for Drew. Anyways this site blogs the comments kids leave when they fail the minimum age check to get onto certain websites.
The Drug Czar is required by law to lie
Most people know that the "drug czar" — the director of the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) — is an advocate for the government position regarding the drug war. But not everyone knows that he and his office are mandated to tell lies as part of their Congressional authorization.
They call it Mellow Yellow?
A hardline Hindu organization, known for its opposition to "corrupting" Western food imports, is planning to launch a new soft drink made from cow's urine, often seen as sacred in parts of India.
Speedheat is Floor Heating
Speedheat is the world leader in safe, energy efficient, durable, electric radiant floor heating for under all flooring types, including carpet, area rugs, laminate, hardwood, tile, vinyl, showers, and more.
my office is effing freezing.