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AirCurve iPhone Acoustic Amplifier
Boost audio volume without adding any additional power? It seems a violation of the laws of thermodynamics, but amazingly the AirCurve is a cleverly-designed acoustic amplifier that turns your iPhone into a no-power-drain alarm clock on your nightstand, or a mini sound system that never needs batteries or adapters.
Babes of New York Comic Con | NBC Bay Area
How did NBC beat Kotaku on the booth babe front?
The Metal Bikini Still Reigns Supreme!
Kinda cliche but so far the metal bikini is far and away the best pic in this round up.
Auto-Tune: Why Pop Music Sounds Perfect
Interesting article on the history and usage of Auto-Tune. Pricing Pro Tools at $249 and Auto Tune at $99 means that you too can have perfect pitch for $350. I need about three fiddy.
Three Decades of Prison for an Innocent Man
The Department of Justice is expected to appeal the case, despite an apology to the Salvati family by Congressman Dan Burton, who spearheaded a three-year investigation as chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform. No such apology was forthcoming from FBI Agent H. Paul Rico, who, when asked during the hearings if he felt remorse, answered, “What do you want, tears or something?” The agent, who died in 2004 awaiting trial on unrelated murder charges, was never disciplined for his role in the Deegan case.
That is fucked up, lock away an innocent man for over 30 years, leave 2 others to die in jail and you want to appeal the case? Fuck you DOJ! Each of the defendants get $30 million which after bullshit and taxes is probably like $10 million. Fuck that, 30 years in hell ain’t worth that kinda of money, hopefully Agent H. Paul Rico is rotting in hell with a red hot fire poker up his ass.
Washington State Wants DNA From All Arrestees
Suspects arrested in cases as minor as shoplifting would have to give a DNA sample before they are even charged with a crime if a controversial proposal is approved by the Legislature. "It is good technology. It solves crimes," claims Don Pierce, executive director of the Washington Association of Sheriffs and Police Chiefs. Under the bill, authorities would supposedly destroy samples and DNA profiles from people who weren't charged, were found not guilty or whose convictions were overturned.